Monday, April 27, 2009

Shoe-off Productions presents 'Crash Course on Shoe Hurling'

Wanna throw shoes at politicians you don't like accurately?

We offer great online crash courses on chucking the shoe perfectly at someone's face.

We have hired some outstanding Cricketing field coaches such as Monty Roads, Rope-in Singh, and Harshely Hills (part time coach), etc.

We have Lace-it Ekalinga (does he really bowl, at least he bowls (read 'throws') yorkers to train you at throwing the shoe right on the face! We have Show-ab Afsar, who can train you on smashing a face really really fast.

If you are looking for just those five minutes of fame, we will train you on chucking the shoe mildly so that it doesn't hit the person intended, but the press and TV will cover you enough!

We also offer legal help to get you immediate bail or anticipatory bail in case you are going to be arrested.

Shoe-off Productions
 ....Just do it!

Disclaimer: All the characters and names mentioned in the above blog are purely fictitious and bear no resemblance to any person living or dead.

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